Thursday, October 20, 2005

Fun Dip and Techno

Things get really crazy when you have techno playing and you are eating fun dip. Anyways, it's probably just me anyways. Ok how crazy is this, you miss one day of school, ONE DAY, and you are pretty much screwed for the six weeks. In physics we had a quiz, well I memorized the formulas, but didn't know how to use them! And Pre-Cal WHAT THE HECK ARE WE DOING??????????????? All well, I guess I'll never know. Well it's sweet and all that we made it to area but that means we really have to kick ourselves in the buttox to make it. Ok so tomorrow is our game against Argyle, so yea that is the band's arch rival, so hopefully it'll be fine, but I do believe it might be. Then Saturday is robotics competition, yea, maybe I should take some techno and fun dip then???? humm.........I don't know I might scare some people though. Should I? Oh yea, Cain do u know where exactly that halloween shop is? Because I was thinking of going there after robotics or on monday. Well I must skidaddle and do my homework and such.

Ta Ta,



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