Sunday, September 04, 2005

Hola mis amigos!


Como estas? How is everyone? I am fine, we are at my sister's apartment and I am at the poolhouse being bored out my mind. This weekend has been ok, Friday we had a football game at Community and the score was 65 to 0 and we play Pilot Point this Friday, the 9th, and then yesterday I had to work and that was fun a little. And today I am stuck in Denton with nuthing to do but type on my blog and be bored. But guess what tomorrow is LABOR DAY and there is no school whatsoever! YEA!!!! And for all the kids still in band is it at 7:00 am on Tuesday outside?




At 7:35 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

OOOOO SPAMAGE!!!!!!!!!! good job tiff for posting!


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