Monday, February 14, 2005

Lost in Translation

My life is in a total state of boredom & wanting to get out of this bloody town. Like anyone cares anymore, I guess my blog has gotten so boring or stupid to those of you out there, you just don't care to look at it anymore, so I am basically writing to myself my own thoughts. Anyways, band is not my happy place now & never will be. My folder is sitting in my mom's explorere which is at the repair shop which is in Frisco. And tomorrow I have a flute quartet practice at seven a.m. and I don't have music for that, and for band. So that will be fun I guess. Well I am gonna go debate what I am going to do once I finally graduate!

Fanny out


At 11:51 PM, Blogger Cool Cass said...

we still read your blog - no worries - you just haven't posted in a while - and don't worry too much about having to decide what to do about college & stuff - you've got plenty of time (or at least that's what i told myself till the last minute - but you can always change your mind) - anyways, hope you have a great week!

At 7:34 PM, Blogger Andrew said...

You forget, your best lunch buddy is the band librarian! I can sign off your laps and get you music

At 8:17 AM, Blogger Cool Cass said...

Andrew! no signing off laps - tsk, tsk -- anyways, i know something you guys don't know about mr. r -- but unfortunately i can't tell you b/c then my mom will decapitate me then sell my head on the black market -- but everything's gonna be fine! fine i tell you!

At 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are u updating anymore???

At 4:49 PM, Blogger crias said...

cassie, you are the ONLY officer that didn't sign off ppl's laps! by the time senior year rolled around, shelly would just go through the book once a week and sign off everyone's!


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