Thursday, December 16, 2004

Bored to death!

Hey guys, I am sitting here at the intermediate school, waiting for school to get out so I can go home. I know what your thinking, if I can drive now why don't I just go home, well because I don't have a car yet. My actual car I can't drive and it is also broken. Anyways guess what??????????????????????

1 MORE DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so happy because Christmas break is almost here, which means no more school!

To all my school buds I hope we do something soon because I haven't seen ya'll today and I probably won't see you tomorrow. Well got to go so talk to ya'll later.




At 4:39 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

u r soo gonna c us 2marrow can u say band party!


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