Yet another day in the life of a dramaqueen/band geek
Today, which was Monday October 18, 2004, was a pretty good day. It started out like a normal monday band rehearsal, getting a little late so rushing before 7:00 trying not to be late, then running the warm-up lap, and who could forget the all-favored mile we run every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Then school was a drag, it went on and on and on forever, but when I went to my TAKS remedial class, we are taking the test over again to see if we can pass it and exit out of the class, but anyways, I PASSED! so I don't have to go to that class anymore all I have to do now is forget about it and pray that I pass the exit level mathematics taks test this year! Lol! Anyways I am going to eat me some french fries, so tootles!
Forever Fanny!
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